Introducing a new payouts system for Playback rooms and their contributors.

You can now share your Playback room’s revenue with any of your room members. For those of you who’ve been paying your contributors on the side, we hope this makes your life easier and simplifies your taxes. For those of you thinking about how to motivate your community members to help grow your room, we hope this offers you a valuable new tool.

Manage your room earnings

As the owner of a partner room, you can now manage how your room’s earnings are paid to yourself and to your contributors from the Payouts section of your room (Room menu > Settings > Payouts).

Read more: Manage Room Payouts

Withdraw your funds

You and each of the payees in your room can track individual earnings from your Playback Wallet. The Wallet reports how much you earned from each room you’ve contributed to and allows you to withdraw your funds automatically or on an ad hoc basis if you prefer.

Read more: Playback Wallet

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